5 Ways to Smash a Triathlon and 3 Ways to Screw Up
Getting into Triathlon is no easy feat. I would think the majority of people who get into triathlon their first year probably feels like 6th grade in Middle School. You don't know where to go, you don't know who anyone is, you don't know the lingo and you probably have no clue about training or racing. Is this correct? This is what coaches are for, and groups, the tri community is a great one to help find your way. Are you doing your first triathlon this season? Are you in your first couple of season and still trying to figure out the whole race thing. I am writing the blog to help you out and guide you a bit. Here are 5 ways you can Smash your next triathlon- Get really good at sprints and or practice your own tri. I see a lot of athletes get into the sport do one or two sprints maybe an Oly (Middle distance triathlon or Olympic Distance) and then they are gun ho to sign up for a 70.3 and or full 140.6 triathlon. Many athletes make it through th...