3 Ways to Create a Healthy Kitchen- for Meal Prep

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Do you cook a lot? Do you cook at all? When you cook, is it fresh or from a box or bag?

Did you know cooking once or twice a week can really set you up for better health and save some cash?

  • On average, most Americans eat out over 5 times a week.
  • Eating out is typically 5 times more expensive than cooking at home.
  • Eating out increases coronary heart disease by 80%...
What is your challenge to cooking at home? Time? Skill or confidence in the kitchen? Knowing what to cook?

Nick to the Plus is here to help. QueenT and I are trying to get into the habit of cooking every Sunday for the week. Our goal is to cook at least two meals to have some variety in the week for lunch and dinner. These days even with time as a factor we can now plan out our week ahead and order from H-E-B Curbside or Favor. We recently signed up for Rich Roll's Plant Power Meal Planner. This app is awesome, where we can pick out our healthy meals for the week and it make a grocery list for us. This combination in meal planning make life so much more simple, healthier and on a budget!

If you are interested in exploring these options or more, let us know, we are here to help!

Here are 3 more ways to Create a Healthy Kitchen for meal prep-

  1. Leave appealing water pitchers and or bowls of fruit (no in packaging or wrapped) but in clear view. This way you think of drinking good water or healthy fruit snacks when you are in the kitchen.
  2. Print out healthy recipes you want to try and put them on the refrigerator. Go that extra step and list what you need for ingredients and schedule the day you are going to go shopping or sit down and order online.
  3. Plant and in home garden or a windowsill herb garden so you know what you are getting and where it came from.
If you need help getting started or want to up your home cooking game, please contact nicktotheplus@gmail.com and we can grow and cook together!

#livetotheplus #cookhealthy #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom #growyourown


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