Gut Health and Your Second Brain

You might not have heard much about gut health before 5-10 years ago or so. Why?
Well in 2003 a 13-year project to discover the 20,000-25,000 genes in the human systems. This cascaded a number of other discoveries into the human inner-space and beyond.
One of the main things that have been studied more is the microbiome.

Do you remember this Pixar Short Film with an alien learning how to operate the space ship system?
Well, imagine the switchboard on the alien ship is our Gnome, all of our genes. The microbiome, as an illustration, is the alien or what affects the gnome, what switches are on or off. Are you still with me?
The student alien in the short film, as an experience undeveloped form, represents a piece of junk food. Our body doesn't really know what do to with some junk food. This is because a lot of junk food out there does not have any nutritional value. So, in turn, that substance or fake food, kind of wonders in our gut, until it works it's way out, not adding much value to the overall system, more of a hindrance. These hindrances also bring other bacteria and or chemicals into the system, that is not usually nurturing to the system. That part isn't in the cartoon, but it happens in our gut.
The teacher alien that is in the above picture is our microbiome working on all cylinders. That we are putting good nutrition in our body that our gut recognizes and can use to our benefit.
Your Gut is Your Second Brain
Have you ever had a "Gut" feeling, or gone with your gut? There is a reason we say that, it is because our gut is connected to our brain or can also be considered our second brain. Our brain and gut are connected in many ways; chemical, mechanical and neurologically.

These two organs are in constant contact and feedback loop. Whenever we are exposed to something, put deodorant on, walk by smoke from a fire, chemicals we smell, put something in our mouth, have fear or an experience, the brain and gut are like the teacher alien switching our genome switchboard.
Remember the saying "Let food be thy medicine" Hippocrates
Hippocrates saw this connection and it has been proven more lately that our Gut is our Health Brain.
If you would like to learn more about gut health and overall health feel free to call, text or email 210.843.4130
#livetotheplus #playinthehills
Hippocrates saw this connection and it has been proven more lately that our Gut is our Health Brain.
If you would like to learn more about gut health and overall health feel free to call, text or email 210.843.4130
#livetotheplus #playinthehills
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