Living to the Plus- go past the truth to find your truth

When I swam across Canyon Lake in December 2019, in 56-degree water for 8 miles over 5 hours, I had to go past my truth.

I also had to go past a truth or many truths when I ran around the New Bruanfels Circle 2019 times, or 256 miles in 8th miles loops over 24 days.

I had to go past a lot of truths when I finished Great Floridian 140.6 Ultra Tri undertrained.

Then I found my truth, that I could do what I set out to do. I had to just keep TRIng and keep going.

When have you pushed past a truth you told yourself, something you could not do. Something you were not strong enough, or tall enough, or smart enough, or tough enough? What did it feel like when you walked over that threshold of the truth you believe, into the truth you created?

Is there something in front of you, something that you are scared of to step over? Is there a wall of truths you are telling yourself to be scared of not to push towards this challenge? What are some of the things you are telling yourself? OR what are some of the things you have told yourself your whole life that has held you back from learning your true potential self?

What are you waiting for? Live to the Plus! Become yourself to the Plus! Push past those barriers and find your new truth that you create yourself. Join our Living YOUR Dream group for motivation, accountability, and to share your new truths!

#LivetothePLUS #overcomingtruths #FindingTruth #LivingyourDream


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