Living to the Plus- Being Thankful for Living in Gratitude

Living to the Plus- Being Thankful for Living in Gratitude 

I was wondering, am I saying I am thankful for being thankful..?

Nah, living in gratitude, living in the Plus, is being a certain place in your head, your body, and your soul.

It seems when we are in a wanting state, a consumptive state, all we want to do is fill ourselves or fulfill with emptiness. We WANT material and external things that we acquire or consume, do they really fill us up inside or does it make us want more?

To live in Gratitude, to live to the Plus is being aware and recognizing what you do have that is not material or consumptive but the things that make you who you are and the tool you have to be the PLUS you and contribute to others. Beng our PLUS self and helping others be their PLUS self is what fulfills us, what makes us wake up in the morning, what gets us excited, what tests us, what makes us grow, and what makes us grow our TEAM.

What are you grateful for? Do you write down what you are grateful for? Do you at least spend a few min a day recognizing in your head what you are grateful for and where you are within yourself?

What do you think would change in your life if you woke up every day and practiced gratitude, took some big deep breaths, and looked at the day with a smile VS waking up slow, groggy, too soon to be stressed about the overwhelm of life?

Join me today to be thankful for living in gratitude and make a commitment to yourself
to start your day off grateful.



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