Living to the Plus- Growth and Contribution

Did you have a "normal" Thanksgiving or was it abnormal? What was different? How did it make you feel?

We gathered with some family, but not as many as usual and for not as long. I don't get too much into traditional holiday's. I was like after the first 10 years or so, do we really have to do this every year, can we try something new, how about at least some new Christmas songs..? Last year even, I avoided the traditional "family Christmas" and took the boys out to the hill country for some hiking and seclusion, to get away from all the hustle and bustle of marketing and consumerism. I just wanted quality time with my boys. This year though with the Vid-19 and a political shit storm I really don't know what to think. I think it is pretty messed up around the country they are actually telling people to just "cancel" the holiday's this year, it is disturbing... Anyway, maybe another blog topic...

What I would like to talk about is, that most all of us having something we are thankful for I hope. What were you thankful for yesterday? I was thankful for time with my boys, QueenT and family. I am grateful for being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel for flipping, selling, life dumping my house...

The way I see it not that Thanksgiving2020 is over, we passed the 2020 level for THANKS, now it is time to level up and work on our growth and contribution for the rest of the holidays and 2021. 

What does that mean, how can we grow and contribute?

Ways to grow-

  1. Commit to changing one thing with your nutrition and exercise towards a positive outcome
  2. Look for an online class or seminar to sign up for 2021  
  3. Find a undesirable pattern (biting your nails) and commit to change that pattern, poor habit
  4. Read for 30 min a day
  5. Pick something to learn as a hobby for a new year
  6. Clean your room and make a "awesome" corner to be proud or spend growth time there...
  7. Pick a fear to over come, put yourself in an uncomfortable situation to find growth
  8. Pick something you are ok at, a skill and perfect it over the next year. Pick a skill that will better your financial, health or community situation.
  9. Wake up and go to bed a little earlier in the purpose of getting started earlier and getting more done early in the day.
  10. Wake up everyday and start a journal with 5 things of gratitude and 5 ideas each day.
Ways to contribute-

  1. Smile and say hi to everyone you make eye contact with
  2. Clean out your closet or house and give to stuff to Goodwill or other collection charity.
  3. Make a list of three people you can help in the next months, people struggling more than you.
  4. Pick a health buddy, keep each other accountable in your health and activity goals.
  5. If you see someone stressed or panicked ask if you can help or at least listen, be a good listener.
  6. Send 10 emails/ calls/ texts to random people wishing them well or that you think they are awesome. Make someone smile, make someone's day.
  7. Donate time, food or cloths to someone in need.
  8. Seek out a child you can tutor and help through these different times of learning and socialization.
  9. Go to a public forum and show appreciation and gratitude publicly, be the domino of positivity today.
  10. Love more, love often, love those who need more love.
What are you going to do today to grow and contribute, share more ideas you might have. Go out and be awesome!

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