Over Coming Fear- Living to the Plus

 When I was a kid I was always one of the smaller kids or as I am now mid sized. I remember one time I was in kindergarten or first grade and they were building a new building for the preschool. They asked me to come over and test the height of the sink because I was shorter like in the preschoolers.

I think with a combination of thinking that I was small and with my Oma and mom still were kind of worriers... I think that influenced me at a young age.

This is where my dad comes in. I remember as a kid being deathly afraid of sailing, sometimes my dad would go off roading with a non-offloading vehicle, and going to Cub Scouts. These are some of the things I had fear.

I do not remember fighting my dad or my mom to go to these adventures  but I remember when I was at them I had the fear. Fast forward to today I have done some ““ epic things that you would say I have become comfortable being uncomfortable a.k.a. swimming across the lake and 56° water for five hours.

I think the repetition of my dad continuing to take me out sailing maybe I wasn’t as verbal about it as I was in my mind but this helped me overcome the fear. I also remember the first time that we actually tipped the sailboat over which was always the specific fear I had. We turned over and went into the water which I was already a good swimmer and was more comfortable in the water than on the boat. So going past the fair helps you to except the fear.

I am honored to pass these lessons on to my sons and other youth or adults overcoming fear.


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