Living to the Plus- Team Work Makes the Dream Work

I had two experiences today of what teamwork Is about. 

I work in a warehouse, a big warehouse with a lot of activity. Sometimes we have bumps, sometimes our forklifts hit pipes, sometimes these pipes break, and sometimes we get a crap load of water on the warehouse floor slowing shipping. To see the Teamwork that snaps into action to get a literal lake get cleaned up in less than an hour is sheer amazement.

Secondly, this afternoon my sons and friends help move a washer and dryer and a vey heavy piano. We also received help from one of QueenT nephews getting the heavy piano off Rivs truck. Mission accomplished with no one getting hurt. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Do you have a Team? A crew, group, club, squad, unit, fam?


Are you a loner, a one teamer, a solo Calrissian?

How far have you gotten with that?

Do you think you would make it farther if you had a Team? A support Crew? A cheering Squad?

Live to the Plus. Find your Team. People who support you, want you to be your best. Join our Live to the Plus Team. Let’s help each other Live to the Plus!


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