A Soul to Run and Live to the PLUS
This is a picture of my son River. River was running in the Texas State Triathlon, which I have directed over the past 20 years, wearing my Team USA Tri Suit. River and his brother were born because of this event, where I met their mom, so it's their existence event. I was very proud and it brought much joy to see him participating in this event.
River is not a runner most of the time. He is an accomplished violinist at McCallum High School in the Performing Arts program. Yet River can still run, not as good as his old man at his age, he doesn't like it as much as his old man or as much as playing the violin but he runs. His soul has found music in the heart. But he was also born to run, like all of us. Running connects the soul, have you found that?
Yes, we were born to run. The book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall does a much better job than I can to explain all of the background and evolution, so I highly recommend reading this book. This book totally changed my perspective on running. I have been running for 30 years and it really opened my eyes and changed my motivation for running. Brought back and strengthened my soal to run, to be active, to move.
You have to walk before you can run and find a soul to run. I know this is cliche but it is true. First off, comment below or tell me where you are with running. What has been your experience? How long have you been running? I want to know! Have you ever been injured? Have you ever been burned out? What are your PR's? What was your best moment running ever?
I can tell you the best moment I ever had of being connected to my soal to run when I was most free, do you want to hear?
It was my Freshman District Mile at our Varsity Meet. I wish I could give you a link to a YouTube, it was recorded but it has been lost in the shuffle... the shuffle of life. We all get shuffled one time or another, right? Anyway, I had run the two-mile the day before. My strategy was to wear out the competition. We ran the first mile in 4:47 and what ended up happening was I wore myself out, running a 7ish min mile the second mile totally burning myself. I was pretty upset and embarrassed running in almost last after leading the race.
I went home that evening and sat in my room and I don't know if you call it meditating or visualization, but I did something in that room to set my mind for the primary race to come the next day, the mile!
I got on the line focused. I had a plan and executed it to a T. When I was a young runner, all my friends called me the Panther. For the reason I was a come from behind runner, methodical, I would come from behind, and if I passed you, you were not coming back...
By the half-mile, I had slowly worked my self up with the leaders. The leaders were seniors, seniors from our arch-rival school. I was even with them, both towering over my freshman stature. I ran with them, slightly behind them for another 300 yards or 3/4s of the way around the track. At this point, we were 500 meters from the finish. This is where I made my move.
I was not a sprinter or strong short finisher. I was a strong long finisher. 500 meters was my long finish. I pulled away from the Seniors, hoping they thought I was crazy OR thought I miss counted my laps. I had not miscounted laps, I knew exactly what I was doing as a rookie Freshman... I usually know what I am doing in bold moves when I am Living to the PLUS...
I did not dare look behind, that 100 from 500 to 400 to go, I was building my power, the crowd was right next to me and I could hear how they were reacting, I knew where I was without looking back. As soon as I hit the quarter-mile to go, I released the energy I had been storing since the start line.
When you are in shape and totally prepared in every way for something you have been thinking about, you focus on a deciding moment, you know that moment when you can release. Before the release you are floating, gliding, relaxing. When you release, you expand to be free to run the way you were born for. This is Living to the Plus.
That last quarter mile I was in full stride, it felt like I was floating, there was no pain, I felt like a rocket, like the Panther. That last quarter I hit a 65 second 400 meters and gaped the seniors almost 50 yards. They didn't have a chance. I had just won the District Varsity mile as a Freshman in a time of 4:33.
This time was faster as a Freshman than the running legend, and arguably the best American runner ever, Steve Prefontaine- Runner's World Link
"McClure remembers, "Steve’s choice to become a runner stems from his frustrating experience as a too-small junior high football player with few opportunities to play on game days." As a freshman Pre finished the season as the team’s number two runner and placed 53rd in the Oregon State Championship meet, but did not break five minutes for the mile in that year’s track season."
Steve Prefontaine was killed in a car accident in his early 20s just before his second Olympic attempt. Just after my Freshman victory, I was also in a car accident that changed my life and running career forever... I was lucky enough to live, but live through pain and loss, but also continue a college, national and world-class career in Triathlon... More to come in Living the Plus book.

River is not a runner most of the time. He is an accomplished violinist at McCallum High School in the Performing Arts program. Yet River can still run, not as good as his old man at his age, he doesn't like it as much as his old man or as much as playing the violin but he runs. His soul has found music in the heart. But he was also born to run, like all of us. Running connects the soul, have you found that?
Yes, we were born to run. The book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall does a much better job than I can to explain all of the background and evolution, so I highly recommend reading this book. This book totally changed my perspective on running. I have been running for 30 years and it really opened my eyes and changed my motivation for running. Brought back and strengthened my soal to run, to be active, to move.
You have to walk before you can run and find a soul to run. I know this is cliche but it is true. First off, comment below or tell me where you are with running. What has been your experience? How long have you been running? I want to know! Have you ever been injured? Have you ever been burned out? What are your PR's? What was your best moment running ever?
I can tell you the best moment I ever had of being connected to my soal to run when I was most free, do you want to hear?
It was my Freshman District Mile at our Varsity Meet. I wish I could give you a link to a YouTube, it was recorded but it has been lost in the shuffle... the shuffle of life. We all get shuffled one time or another, right? Anyway, I had run the two-mile the day before. My strategy was to wear out the competition. We ran the first mile in 4:47 and what ended up happening was I wore myself out, running a 7ish min mile the second mile totally burning myself. I was pretty upset and embarrassed running in almost last after leading the race.
I went home that evening and sat in my room and I don't know if you call it meditating or visualization, but I did something in that room to set my mind for the primary race to come the next day, the mile!
I got on the line focused. I had a plan and executed it to a T. When I was a young runner, all my friends called me the Panther. For the reason I was a come from behind runner, methodical, I would come from behind, and if I passed you, you were not coming back...
By the half-mile, I had slowly worked my self up with the leaders. The leaders were seniors, seniors from our arch-rival school. I was even with them, both towering over my freshman stature. I ran with them, slightly behind them for another 300 yards or 3/4s of the way around the track. At this point, we were 500 meters from the finish. This is where I made my move.
I was not a sprinter or strong short finisher. I was a strong long finisher. 500 meters was my long finish. I pulled away from the Seniors, hoping they thought I was crazy OR thought I miss counted my laps. I had not miscounted laps, I knew exactly what I was doing as a rookie Freshman... I usually know what I am doing in bold moves when I am Living to the PLUS...
I did not dare look behind, that 100 from 500 to 400 to go, I was building my power, the crowd was right next to me and I could hear how they were reacting, I knew where I was without looking back. As soon as I hit the quarter-mile to go, I released the energy I had been storing since the start line.
When you are in shape and totally prepared in every way for something you have been thinking about, you focus on a deciding moment, you know that moment when you can release. Before the release you are floating, gliding, relaxing. When you release, you expand to be free to run the way you were born for. This is Living to the Plus.
That last quarter mile I was in full stride, it felt like I was floating, there was no pain, I felt like a rocket, like the Panther. That last quarter I hit a 65 second 400 meters and gaped the seniors almost 50 yards. They didn't have a chance. I had just won the District Varsity mile as a Freshman in a time of 4:33.
This time was faster as a Freshman than the running legend, and arguably the best American runner ever, Steve Prefontaine- Runner's World Link
"McClure remembers, "Steve’s choice to become a runner stems from his frustrating experience as a too-small junior high football player with few opportunities to play on game days." As a freshman Pre finished the season as the team’s number two runner and placed 53rd in the Oregon State Championship meet, but did not break five minutes for the mile in that year’s track season."
Steve Prefontaine was killed in a car accident in his early 20s just before his second Olympic attempt. Just after my Freshman victory, I was also in a car accident that changed my life and running career forever... I was lucky enough to live, but live through pain and loss, but also continue a college, national and world-class career in Triathlon... More to come in Living the Plus book.

Steve Prefontaine had a quote "To give anything less than your best is the sacrifice the GIFT" The GIFT to find your SOUL to run, to live, to Live to the PLUS.

The quote has meant different things to me over the years. But this time in my life it is taking on its true meaning. I am not the runner I use to be when I was younger, totally healthy, car accident injury-free, and not worn my the struggles of life. But I know I was given a GIFT, a GIFT to LIVE TO THE PLUS. When I was younger this gift presented itself as a great runner, this is what made me feel free. Back in those days, I had a lot of people's attention and it motivated people.
Through my experiences, my athleticism and competition gave me I used the GIFT. Having a loss or injury and depression and was learning another part of the GIFT. Recovering and learning and mastering triathlon I learned another part of the GIFT. Going to school and learning my trade in performance and injury prevention continued to extend the GIFT. My experience in event production and experience creation very much made an enlightened GIFT in so many ways. Working in safety, risk management and industrial athletes is also part of the GIFT. LIVING TO THE PLUS is me giving my best to pay forward the GIFT to never sacrifice my soul or heart or passion to help others find their GIFT to LIVE TO THE PLUS!
Through my experiences, my athleticism and competition gave me I used the GIFT. Having a loss or injury and depression and was learning another part of the GIFT. Recovering and learning and mastering triathlon I learned another part of the GIFT. Going to school and learning my trade in performance and injury prevention continued to extend the GIFT. My experience in event production and experience creation very much made an enlightened GIFT in so many ways. Working in safety, risk management and industrial athletes is also part of the GIFT. LIVING TO THE PLUS is me giving my best to pay forward the GIFT to never sacrifice my soul or heart or passion to help others find their GIFT to LIVE TO THE PLUS!
Are you ready to Live to the PLUS? Email me at nicktotheplus@gmail.com lets find your soul to run, your soul to live your best life and to not sacrifice your GIFT!
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