Eating Good - Moving More - Boosting Energy - Living to the PLUS

Image result for eating good moving more

What to eat, how to move, how to get more energy, how to sleep better... the list goes on. AND there is sooooo much information out there and much of it is conflicting! What to do, what to do?

Keep it simple like Nick to the Plus! Complicating and arguing over this and that with "other camps" is a waste of time and energy. Why? Because most "camps" agree on most things.

  1. Eat more whole food (things that don't come in a package or a box)
  2. Eat less processed food (thing that come in a package or a box)
  3. Eat more colors of the rainbow. Look at your plate, how many colors do you see. Try to eat all five colors at least twice a day or 7-14 servings a day or 20+ for athletes to reduce oxidative stress-
    1. Red (Lycopene) 
    2. Purple/ Blue (anthocynin)
    3. Orange/Yellow (Carotenoids)
    4. Green (Carotenoids, Indoles and Saponins)
    5. Brown/White (Allicin, Potassium)
    6. There are 10s of 100s of phytonutrients in these colors that are NOT found in animal products
    7. Want and "Easy" button? Juice Plus has the nutrients of over 30 fruits and vegetables and the most researched nutritional product on the market. This is help bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you actually eat. 
  4. Fiber also provides key benifits- 
    1. slows sugar absorption
    2. makes your intestines move faster
    3. cleans your colon
    4. helps keep you regular
  5. Eat small more frequent meals
    1. carry a snake pack or cut fruits and vegetables to munch on for the day
  6. Limit alcohol, sugar and caffeine drinks
  7. Drink more water- 1-2 gallons a day
  8. Eat organic or better yet buy local or grow your own food as much as possible
  9. Exercise or move purposefully at least 30 min a day 6 days a week. This can also be broken up in to 10 min segments (set and alarm to get up and get moving) 

If you need help with making these changes, I am here to help
Ask your friends and family to join you.
Create a group and make it fun!

Live to the Plus!


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