Full Body Shred, Thanksgiving Rescue

Image result for shred10

What does "shred" mean to you? Is it an office practice of shredding paper? Is it those guys in the guys in the gym at are ripped/ shredded? Or does it mean shredding poor habits in order to shred life to the PLUS?

This last one is what it means to me. You see, growing up and being an adult athlete, I often get the impression that people think I am 100% healthy 100% of the time. This just is not true, I am human like you, I make mistakes, have slips, have ebb and flow in my health and motivation just like everyone. The goal is to be as good as I can today and if I am not perfect to be forgiving of myself to get better for tomorrow.

Shred10 is a program designed by two great individuals- Dr. Mitra Ray and Jake Kelly
Mitra being a scientist, researcher and Ph.D and Jake being an Division 1 athlete in college these two know about nutrition, health and performance.

The philosophy behind Shred10 is that anyone can make changes for 10 days and then continue with making one lifestyle change for the rest of the month. Then on the next month, go through the 10 days and then develop or work on another lifestyle change for that month, and so on. What is involved in the 10 days for Shred you ask?
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These are the guidelines, guidelines not laws or commandments or even commitments. Health and fitness is your journey and your goals and choices are going to only impact you, so follow your health program.

The Guidelines- 
  1. Add 
    1. More Real Food
      1. Juice Plus Trip Capsules Daily
      2. 2 Complete Shakes Daily
    2. Plenty of water- 1 to 2 gallons a day
    3. Sleep 7-8 hours a night
    4. Exercise most days 20 min-1 hour
  2. Eliminate
    1. Gluten
    2. Dairy
    3. Caffeine
    4. Alcohol
    5. Processed Foods (Anything in a box or wrapper)
    6. Artificial or refined sugars
    7. Eating after 6pm
What does all this accomplish you ask? Well health and weight management is not always how much we eat or what we eat, but also what are we eating to get maximal performance out of our body to remove toxins.
Image result for shred10 detoxRelated image

So it matters what you put into your body that will remove the toxins so the fat is no longer needed as protection. 

Take a few moments to watch this intro to Shred10

Our Next Shred will start December 9th, in time for a Thanksgiving Rescue and prepare for the Christmas Foodie! We will host a Shred10 group every 2nd Monday of the month!

I will create an event page on Nick to the Plus Facebook, if you want to participate we will also have a pre workout in the park, some shopping and meal prep tips and an end of shred gathering and celebration!

Come join in on the fun!


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