Visiting Mimi

Today I’m picking up the boys to go take them to see Mimi. She is over 100 years and she may be drawing to the end. My mother and her brother have had her moved to a kind of a hospice/ comfort facility.

I don’t know if it’s the best to do but I asked the boys to write Mimi a letter, for River to play something for her and Mathis draw a picture.

I love my Mimi. In my family, we always say goodbye by saying Ily Ily (I love you I love you).
Thinking about my Mimi’s life inspires me. She lived through the depression, she was a mom, she was a nurse for many years. she volunteered as a hospital escort for wheelchairs and such. My Mimi is one of the sweetest people I know, I am not saying that just because she was my grandmother.

It makes you really think about life when you have a 100-year-old grandmother or anyone you know. Will I last that long? How does she feel? What goes through her head throughout the day? Is she afraid? Will I be afraid? Does she feel content with her life? If I died today, would I feel content with my life? What do I need to do to get there, feeling content with my life?

I wonder, if I was to live one more day have I done my best, if I were to live as long as my grandmother can I do my best for that time? It comes down to what are we doing this moment, is what we are doing right now worth not knowing how much time we have on this planet?

If you want to join me in the quest to make every moment count towards being our better self feel free to email, text or call 210.843.4130

#livetotheplus #playinthehills


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