How to Workout in the Cold or Poor Weather

Do you like the cold and rain? I personally will pick the hot and sweaty day over cold every time.
Do you have any cold stories while working out?
I think my worst cold experience was 2012 or so Tall Texan Triathlon. This was a half distance tri 70.3
It was a cold and windy day, about 45 degrees air temp with about a 20mph gusty wind. The water temps were in the 60s. The swim was the warmest part of the whole race! Getting on the bike, all I had was my wet tri suit and some thin arm warmers. The 45-degree air and 20mph headwind the first 20 miles of the bike ride. I was freezing and wanted to quit, but I saw other crazies in front of me so I kept going if they were going. I ended up getting top 1 overall that race!
Here are my top 5 tips for staying fit during the colder wetter months.
- Either do it or don't, decide, let it go that 20min or however long you are going to be working out or competing in the cold. get over it.
- Wear appropriate gear, make sure there is no immediate danger and listen to your body. If things are going blue or numb, remove yourself from the exposure.
- Pick something that will be fun or good at distracting your mind from the discomfort.
- Set your alarm for every 2 hours and get up at work or school to a 5-10 min workout routine (push-up, squat, pull-up, lunges, fast walk) all bodyweight that you can do anywhere.
- Go with a group so you have accountability, safety, and distraction.
If you want help with coming up with a winter workout routine or other health and fitness improvement feel free to text, call or email to 210.843.4130
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