Mindset and Self Limiting Beliefs

Image may contain: 3 people, including Nick Seidel, people sitting, baby, child and closeup
Love my Boys

The other day I ask my son Mathis how he was doing in school. In elementary school, I think he made two Bs with the rest As over the 5 years. Mathis is very smart, way smarter than me! Mathis is now in 6th grade, the middle school years. He has been struggling in school a bit, not making the As he used to. I asked him "why does he think that is?" He said, "because middle school is different than elementary school, it's more work".

I then asked my son, "do you think this is a limiting belief, Mathis? Do you think that is you telling your self it is different and it is harder or other people telling you that? OR is it more work than you are used to and are you not stepping up, are you being lazy?"

He said, "Yeah"

Self-limiting belief or what Ryan Stewman calls it the FORCE OF AVERAGE is what my son is experiencing. If our environment, experience or acknowledgment changes we are fighting the force of average. When other people tell us things like "you are not any good at that, don't waste your time" these words run deep in our head or body and start repeating tapes in our head. These tapes can even originate with our own thoughts.

We can control what goes on in your head. Some of us have been through such traumatic events that we think we can never get some things out of our heads. The truth is we can do anything we want in our heads. We can overcome anything in the past the present or future, all it takes is a choice and commitment. Tell me about something you think you can not over come. I want to help.

Living to the Plus at it's basis is just this. We can control our thoughts, we can control our vibration, we can control who we spend time with, we can control who we really are. YET, most of us choose to be absorbed in negative tapes, being negative, seeing the worst outcomes, listening to negative speak. 

If you need help with limiting beliefs, fighting the force of average and having an invincible mindset, feel free to call, text or email nicktotheplus@gmail.com or 210.843.4130


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