Waking up on Saturday Morning

This morning we slept in. I guess when I have the option, I’ll sleep in. Most days I’m up before 6, 6 is the latest.

Most Saturday’s I am up for an event, working, volunteering, supporting others or racing. This is TriLife. I love waking up before the sun. The morning air, hearing the birds wake up. The calm that most people are not up and no traffic. My absolute favorite way to wake up is swim in the Comal from LPE ( Last Public Exit)

I also love the feeling, that is not too often, is waking up on a Saturday and not having to go to work, but to work on the things I want. How do you fell when you don’t have to go to work but you can work on the things you want? I am not talking about doing yard work, carting family around, paying bills... I am talking about the things YOU want to do, the things that make you feel like you are creative, like you produced something, something that is a personal accomplishment. This can also include exercise, self development, learning. How often do you feel you are doing activities? Do you feel we are here on this planet to go to work our whole lives just to earn a pay check in order to live? Is that really living or is it just surviving?

What would it take for you to feel more like you are creating, contributing, and living YOUR life?
I know for me, it is to continue to build my own business in health, fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle change. To replace my income from HEB and do what I love every day- working out, learning, writing, creating, all to help others and myself be better, stronger and more vibrant to Live to the Plus!

If you need help with improving you health, fitness, nutrition or lifestyle change, feel free to call, text  or email nicktotheplus@gmail.com or 210.843.4130

#livetotheplus #playinthehills


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