What are Phytonutrients?

Image result for phytonutrients

"Did you get all your macros today" " I have my macros all dialed in" "What are you macros"...

These statements drive me crazy! So many people put emphasis on how much Carbs, Fats, and Protein they eat. Let me ask you, when was the last time you saw a starving person or a person that was macro deficient? Maybe if you go downtown and see the homeless or you live in a third world country?

The fact is, in most of our day to day lives we don't see many starving people, the opposite in fact! most of us are over fed and under nourished.

1. Do you know what happens when you are macro deficient?
A: Hunger (commonly caused by dehydration)

2. Do you know what happens when you are micro deficient?
A: Disease

My recommendation: Get at least two of each color above a day. Also shoot to get 7-14 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. If you are active or an athlete get 20 or more servings a day.

How will this help? More phytonutrients = more antioxidants = less soreness = less systematic inflammation = quicker recovery = less change of disease = better health and metal function!

You can use apps to get a dial on your micros with your macro on My Fit Pal or my good friend let me know about this app too- https://cronometer.com/

If you would like help with this or even need and "Easy" button, I can help! Feel free to call, text or email nicktotheplus@gmail.com or 210.843.4130


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