How do you get your Omegas?

Nutritional art! Omega explosion!

What do you know about omegas? Have you heard of Omega 3 and it's benefits? Have you heard of Omegas 5 - 6 - 7 - 9? Did you know the lack of Omegas is one of the biggest nutritional deficiencies in the U.S. among other countries? 

I am still learning, so my questions are- if we are not getting enough of these omegas, how are we functioning or what are the symptoms of not getting enough?  How many omegas are we getting from food? How much of our food is "fortified" with omegas and what is the quality or quantity of the omegas we are getting?

How many of you take fish oil capsules to get your Omegas? What made you decide to take the product you are taking? Were you influenced by marketing or did you make an educated decision to take that product for omegas?

This is how I understand the process of fish oil omegas are produced. 
  • First there is a little fish to medium-sized fish who eat algae that contains omegas.
    • Questionable about the amount or quality of the algae with omegas this fish gets?
  • This little fish is eaten by a bigger predator fish.
    • Questionable how much omegas are absorbed into the bigger fish?
  • The bigger fish is then caught and pressed for its oil.
    • Questionable how much omegas are actually pressed out of the fish?
  • They encapsulate the omegas usually with a heating process involved.
    • Questionable on how much damage is done to the omegas are exposed to heat.
By this process you see, there are four levels that the quantity and the quality of the omegas from fish oils are compromised.
Image result for fish eating fish
How many fishes did your fish eat to get and give omegas?

How I get my omegas

I get my omega's from a 100% plant-based product called Juice Plus. Why plants? Where do you think the fish get their omegas from? Plants! Why deal with the middle fish or fishy burps when you can get higher quality and more varied (3 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 9) straight from the sources?

The bubble in the capsule is nitrogen to protect the omegas from oxidation.

The Sources

  • Pomegranate seed oil- an abundance of omega 5 fatty acids. From California
  • Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil (Video)- has one of the highest omega 7 potencies of any known plant source. From the Himalayan Mountains of Asia
  • Raspberry Seed Oil- a very potent antioxidant that contains omega 3 and 6. From the Midwest.
  • Tomato Seed Oil- cold pressed from seed is sourced from the U.S.
  • Safflower Seed Oil- A rich source of unsaturated fatty acids especially omega 9. Sourced from Europe.
  • Algal Oil (Where the fish gets his from)- Contains Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which accounts for 97% of the omega 3 fats in the brain and retinas. Also, micro-algae the original marine sources of omega 3. To avoid disruption of the marine ecosystem, over-fishing and to avoid contaminants, our micro-algae is cultivated in closed and controlled vessels.
Now, I ask you; which one of these have you heard of? AND which ones do you consume regularly? Do you know where to get them? Do they have these in your local grocery store?

How can better omegas help athletic performance?- Link

If you would like to learn more about Omegas and the best source to get them from, feel free to call, text or email me at or 210.843.4130


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